Bloomsburg University Academic Programs
Academic Catalog


Administered by the Department of Exercise Science and Athletics

Effective Fall 2017


Exercise Science Foundation (6 credits)

EXERSCI.161 Intro to Exercise Science (3)

EXERSCI.261 First Aid and Safety (3)

Scientific Foundation (15 credits)

BIOLOGY.173 Anatomy and Physiology 1 (4)

BIOLOGY.174 Anatomy and Physiology 2 (4)

EXERSCI.378 Exercise Physiology I (4)

EXERSCI.351 Kinesiology (3)

Exercise Science Core (24 credits)

BIOLOGY.205 Intro to Nutrition (3)

EXERSCI.294 Resistance Training Techniques (3)

EXERSCI.306 Psychology of Sport and Exercise (3)

EXERSCI.360 Sport Nutrition (3)

EXERSCI.380 Research Methods in Ex. Sci. (3)

EXERSCI.414 Exercise Prescription and Programming (3)

EXERSCI.477 Exercise Prescription and Programming for Special Populations (3)

EXERSCI.478 Exercise Physiology II (3)

Exercise Science Electives (9 credits)

EXERSCI.282 Care and Prevention of Athl. lnj. (3)

EXERSCI Elective 2 (3)

EXERSCI Elective 3 (3)

Exercise Science Internship (6-12 credits)

1) EXERSCI.498 (6)

GRADUATE PROGRAM IN CLINICAL ATHLETIC TRAINING (39 credits, 16 may be applied to undergraduate degree)

EXERSCI.580 Orthopedic Assessment I (3)

EXERSCI.581 Orthopedic Assessment II (3)

EXERSCI.582 Therapeutic Modalities (3)

EXERSCI.583 Therapeutic Exercise (3)

EXERSCI.584 General Medical Conditions in the Athlete (3)

EXERSCI.585 Pathophysiology/ Pharmacology (3)

EXERSCI.586 Advanced Sports Medicine (3)

EXERSCI.587 Exercise Psychology (3)

EXERSCI.588 Introduction to Athletic Training (3)

EXERSCI.591 Clinical I (3)

EXERSCI.592 Clinical II (3)

EXERSCI.593 Clinical Ill (3)

EXERSCI.594 Clinical IV (3)

UNDERGRADUATE GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAM (45 credits, 3 credits are shared with major requirements)

Goal 1 Communication (7 points, 3 disciplines)

ENGLISH.101 Foundations of College Writing (3)

COMMSTUD.103 Public Speaking (3)

ASLTERP.155 American Sign Language 1 (1)

Goal 2 Information Literacy (2 points, 1 discipline)

ITM.175 Applications (2)

Goal 3 Analytical and Quantitative Skills (5 points, 2 discipline)

PHYSICS.201 Introductory Physics (1)

MATH.141 Introduction to Statistics (3)

CHEM.101 Introduction to Chemistry (1)

Goal 4 Cultures and Diversity (5 points, 2 discipline)

HISTORY.121 US History Colonial to 1877 (3)

EXERSCI.288 Women in Sport (2)

Goal 5 Natural Sciences (5 points, 2 discipline)

PHYSICS.201 Introductory Physics (3)

CHEM.101 Introduction to Chemistry (2)

Goal 6 Social Sciences (5 points, 2 discipline)

PSYCH.101 General Psychology (3)

SOC.211 Principles of Sociology (3)

Goal 7 Arts and Humanities (5 points, discipline)

DANCE.111 Dance History (3)

MUSIC.101 Music Listening (3)

Goal 8 Second Language (2 points, 1 discipline)

ASLTERP.155 American Sign Language (2)

Goal 9 Healthy Living (2 points, 1 discipline)

EXERSCI.270 Exercise and You (2)

Goal 10 Citizenship (2 points, 1 discipline)

EXERSCI.261 First Aid and Safety (2)