Administered by Department of Anthropology
Effective Fall, 2022
Required MINOR courses (18 credits):
Introduction: ANTHRO.210 Prehistoric Archaeology (3) Thought & Theory: ANTHRO.300 Archeological Method & Theory (3) Method in Practice: Archaeology Minor Electives (9); see list below* Regional Prehistory Case Study: Theory in Practice (3): ANTHRO.310, 311, 312 or 495***
Electives are 3 credits unless otherwise specified.
ANTHRO.221 Forensic Anthropology EGGS.160 Digital Earth
ANTHRO.250 Neanderthals EGGS.242 Map Use & Analysis
ANTHRO.301 Field Archaeology (6)** EGGS.320 Remote Sensing
ANTHRO.310 Aztecs and Mayas EGGS.360 GIS1
ANTHRO.311 Archaeology of the NE EGGS.480 Applied Geophysics
ANTHRO.312 South American Archaeology
ANTHRO.385 Anthro Research & Writing *** EGGS.120 Physical Geology (4)
ANTHRO.466 Independent Study *** EGGS.213 Soils Science
ANTHRO.495 Special Topics *** EGGS.265.Geomorphology (4)
ANTHRO.497 Internship in Anthropology *** EGGS.313 Soil Morphology Pract. (1)
EGGS.413 Soil Morph., Genesis, Class.
ARTHSTRY.451 Exhibition: Study & Practice
BIOLOGY.200 Dendrology EGGS.271 Fundamentals of Hydrology
BIOLOGY.252 Field Zoology EGGS.301 Water Resources Mgmt.
BIOLOGY.263 Field Botany EGGS.380 Dams, Reservoirs & Rivers
BIOLOGY.351Ecology (4) EGGS.471 Applied Surface Hydrology
Highly recommended: course(s) in statistics; foreign language proficiency_
*Electives should be selected in consultation with adviser(s) to facilitate overlap between student interest and major to develop and enhance field, lab, and/or analysis skills to better achieve individual student career goals.
**Or equivalent field program/field school/research program through another university or institution ANTHRO.301.
***Depending on topic.