Administered by Department of Sociology, Social Work and Criminal Justice
Effective Fall, 2004
45.133 Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare (3) - A survey of the social work profession and the United States social welfare institution. Includes ideologies, historical perspectives, values and generalist social work practice in various social welfare fields. A grade of C or above is required to apply to the Social Work major.
45.211 Principles of Sociology (3) - Introduces the basic concepts, theories and perspectives in sociology. Sociology is the scientific study of the influence of groups, institutions and cultures upon individuals. For example, the extent to which race, gender, class, religion and education affect the behavior and opportunities of individuals is probed.
45.213 Contemporary Social Problems (3) - Examines social issues such as plant closings and unemployment, the impact of multinational corporations on the economy and the environment, mobility, aging, family problems - sex roles, abuse, incest, divorce, alcohol and drug abuse, social change and disorganization, racism, sexism, employment discrimination, crime, alienation and poverty.
45.215 Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups (3) - Presents a sociological examination of some of the major racial, ethnic and religious minorities and their divergent heritages in the contemporary American scene. Prerequisite: 45.211.
45.217 Sociology of Sport (3) - An introduction to and critical examination of the role of sports in society. Focuses on the reciprocal impact of sports and various institutions of society. Students examine the sociological perspective on sports as a human activity.
45.221 Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Cultural Diversity (3) - Focuses on the cultures, historical experience and demographics of various oppressed groups in the United States over the course of their lives. Provides an understanding of how economic, environmental and social forces interface with biological, cultural, psychological and social characteristics of human beings alone and in groups, communities and organizations.
45.231 Marriage and Family (3) - Provides a sociological examination of the traditional and changing institutions of marriage and the family in contemporary society. Focuses on family and marital interaction, roles and interpersonal familial relations.
45.236 Child Welfare (3) - Examines child welfare services, issues and the institutions which affect the social functioning of children. This is an elective course in social work program but prerequisite for those who participate in CWEB.
45.255 Research Methods for Social Inquiry (3) - Surveys quantitative research techniques and includes an introduction to the use of computers in social science research. Some qualitative methods are explored. Prerequisite: 45.211.
45.260 Basic Social Statistics (3) - Presents principles and techniques of statistical analysis used by sociologists and others in social sciences: descriptive tables and graphs, measures of dispersion, significance tests, correlation and regression. Students collect and analyze data using computers. Emphasis on understanding concepts underlying statistical analysis in order to permit intelligent use and interpretation of statistics. Prerequisites: 45.211 and 45.255.
45.297 Introductory Practice Experience in Social Work (3) - The primary goal of this courses is to initiate the preparation of the baccalaureate generalist social worker with a foundation of social work knowledge, values, ethics and skills. The beginning integration of ecological systems theory into generalist social work practice occurs in this course. Prerequisite: 45.133 (with grade of C or above). Grade of C or above required to apply to the Social Work major.
45.316 Urban Sociology (3) - Presents a sociological analysis of origin and growth of cities with an emphasis on the dynamic patterns of social interaction in the changing contemporary urban scene. Views cities mainly from a multinational perspective with a special focus on urban regions. Prerequisite: 45.211.
45.318 Social Stratification (3) - Examines the role of social class in terms of structure, function and persistence in any society. Examines classical theoretical statements and evaluates current American class relations in terms of status, power, authority and social mobility. Covers notable studies of the American class system and provides a close look at power relations and styles of life among the various American classes. Prerequisite: 45.211.
45.319 Religion and Society (3) - Examines religion as a means by which people, as members of communities order their lives and endow them with meaning. Topics include ritual and belief systems, the social organization of religion and the relationship between religion and other parts of the social structure.
45.320 Sociology of Women (3) - Explores the development of the traditional roles of women in Western society to the present time including both work and family roles. Included is an analysis of the women's movement as a social movement. The course acquaints students with feminist theory within a sociological perspective. Prerequisite: 45.211 and 45.260 or equivalent.
45.334 Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families (Fall) (3) - Examines the knowledge, values, ethics and skills for professional generalist social work practice with the individual, family, group, organization and community problem solving, with strengths perspective and systems/ecological theory is emphasized. Prerequisites: 50.101, 45.211, 48.101, 45.221, 45.133 and 45.297. Fall semester only.
45.345 Medical Sociology (3) - Facilitates student's ability to understand, analyze and evaluate sociological factors in relation to illness, medical behavior and health care systems. Prerequisite: 45.211 or consent of instructor.
45.376 Science and Society (3) - Explores science as the organized activities of an occupational community. Examines the development of science as an institution, its social organization in modern society and its internal and external politics. Prerequisite: 45.211 or consent of instructor.
45.400 Sociology of Mass Communication (3) - An in-depth discussion of the cognitive and behavioral affects of mass media, especially television on audiences, the social structure of the communications industry, particularly its influence on media content and the political use of mass media. Students critique latest research articles in the field. Prerequisites: 45.211 and junior status.
45.441 Social Indicators (3) - Reinforces and extends earlier learning in research techniques and methods by focusing on systematic step-by-step understanding, analysis and preparation of social indicators at the federal, state and local levels of social policy planning and analysis. Promotes understanding of social indicators and the use of these indicators within all levels of society.
45.443 Sociology of Deviant Behavior (Fall) (3) - Evaluates the presence and function of deviance in society. Includes mental illness and various types of crime and stigmatized behavior. Examines how it is handled therapeutically and legally through institutionalization and treatment. Attempts to provide a broad theoretical perspective as well as concrete examples of deviance in any society. Examines current methods of rehabilitation and punishment. Prerequisite: junior year standing (or 65 semester hours or more). .
45.450 Social Work Practice with Small Group (3) - Provides the entry-level generalist social work practitioner with a beginning understanding of the effective use of the problem solving process using group work as an intervention strategy at the micro, mezzo and macro levels. Offered fall semester only. Prerequisites: 50.101, 45.211, 48.101, 45.221, 45.133 and 45.297.
45.451 Family Counseling (3) - Surveys the major theoretical models for family assessment and intervention with primary emphasis on ecological systems. Covers knowledge of rudimentary assessment and intervention skills for problem solving with families.
45.452 Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities (Spring) (3) - The primary goal of this course is to provide the entry-level generalist social work practitioner with a beginning understanding of the effective use of the problem solving process at the macro level of intervention. The student will be provided with opportunities to apply curriculum content to work with communities and organizations. Prerequisites: 50.101, 45.211, 48.101, 48.110, 45.221, 45.133, and 45.297.
45.453 Social Welfare Policy (3) -Examines historical and current aspects of social welfare policy and services within the context of generalist social work practice. The focus includes: frameworks for social policy analysis; the political/organizational processes for influencing policy; and a policy advocacy/problem-solving framework for social practice. Prerequisites: 45.133, 45.221 and 45.297 (may be taken concurrently), 40.211, 44.120 and 44-121. Offered spring semester only.
45.457 Sociology of Community (3) - Reviews and examines theories and research of communities. Gives special emphasis to the American community. Prerequisite: 45.211.
45.461 Social Problems in Rural-Urban Communities (3) - Focuses on social problems peculiar to and characteristic of rural and small urban communities. An eclectic theoretical interpretation will be made of the major social problems. Emphasizes problems which result in the dysfunctioning of patterned social relationships.
45.462 Sociological Theory (3) - Examines classical forms of social theory from the 19th century and their impact on the development of theory in the 20th century. Studies the views of Max Weber, Emile Durkheim and Karl Marx on the social structure, social organization, economy and human condition as well as their influence on contemporary perspectives, namely, the conflict and functional approaches, sociology of knowledge, phenomenological sociology and symbolic interactionism. Prerequisite: 45.211.
45.465 Computer Applications in the Social Sciences (3) - An introduction to computer use for the social sciences (through use of SPSS). Emphasizes translating questions into data analysis and interpretation of statistical results. Prerequisites: 45.260 or similar statistics course. Offered spring semester only.
45.466 Social Research (3) - Stresses design and construction of major research methods and procedures used in social research. Special emphasis on survey research. Prerequisites: 45.211, 45.260 or consent of the instructor.
45.467 Population Problems (3) - Studies human population, its major theories, distributions composition, changes and future developments of population and impacts of population problems on society as influenced by vital processes. Prerequisite: 45.211.
45.468 Social Service Planning (3) - Provides an advanced consideration of the social context of the development of social policy, planning and implementation of social and/or human services at federal, state and local levels of organization. A critical analysis of the social effects of social policy, planning and services on people in a service-oriented, post-industrial society.
45.470 Senior Seminar (3) - Provides for individual research projects and reports with-in selected areas of interest such as the family, criminology, social services and special populations. Usually offered in the spring semester. Prerequisites: Senior status; 18 semester hours of sociology and social work; and consent of the instructor .
45.471 Independent Study in Sociology (3) - Allows student to pursue individualized instruction in-depth with a faculty member in a specific area of the field not covered in current courses. Prerequisites: 45.211 and consent of instructor, chairperson and members of the department.
45.474 Contemporary Environmental Issues (3) - Examines some major human problems that lead to environmental deterioration, parti-cularly water, air and noise pollution, energy and other resource depletion and increasing population density. Prerequisite: 45.211.
45.477 Community Land Use Planning (3) - Introduces the community planning process and the theoretical perspectives relevant to community land use planning. Examines selected substantive planning problem areas in the local community. Students formulate, develop and present a community land use plan. Prerequisite: 45.211.
45.478 Sociology of Work (3) - Presents a sociological examination of work and the milieu of the worker. Studies formal and informal work organizations, job satisfaction and dissatisfaction, structure and organization of industrial and post-industrial societies and relationship between work organizations within communities and society. Prerequisite: 45.211.
45.490 Sociology of Aging (3) - Studies aging, its major theoretical themes, patterns of living, socio-psychological and cultural consequences of aging. Examines the contemporary issues, problems and programs of the aging. Prerequisite: 45.211 or consent of instructor. Offered in spring semester only.
45.496 Sociology Internship Program (1-15) - Designed primarily for the junior or senior working in a specific institutional field and/or college-approved, off-campus activities related to student's chosen professional field. Prerequisites: Consent of the instructor and department chairperson.
45.497 Social Work Internship (10-12) - Provides the social work major with the opportunity to integrate and apply knowledge, theory and understanding extracted from the foundation courses. The student engages in supervised, direct service activities to develop competency as professional generalist social work practitioner Prerequisites: 45.133, 45.297, 45.255, 45.260, 45.221, 45.334, 45.450, 45.452 and 45.453.
45.498 Integrative Seminar in Social Work and Social Welfare (3) - Taken concurrently with 45.497 for integration of theory and practice. Internship work issues and assignments are discussed and evaluated in relation to relevant research and to the sixteen program objectives and corresponding seven internship course objectives. Prerequisites: 45.133, 45.297, 45.255, 45.260, 45.221, 45.334, 45.450, 45.452 and 45.453.
45.500 Sociology of Mass Communication (3) - In-depth discussion of cognitive and behavioral effects of mass media, especially television, on audiences, the social structure of communications industry, particularly its influence on media content and the political use of mass media. Students critique the latest research articles in the field.
45.511 Social Institutions (3) - Sociological examination of major institutions in the United States cross-culturally compared with those in other societies. Specific institutions selected depending on the interest of students and faculty.
45.513 Adolescents in American Society (3) - Studies the role of adolescents in contemporary U.S. society with special emphasis on the adolescent's social interactions in groups and institutions.
45.523 The Contemporary American Community (3) - An advanced examination of the social dynamics of community life, its institutions, organizations, and people within the context of the development of post-industrial society.
45.525 Current Social Issues (3) - Analyzes current social issues and solutions offered to solve them. Explores issues and solutions within the broad framework of the social sciences and specific framework of sociological and anthropological data.
45.578 Sociology of Work (3) - Focuses on structure and organization of industrial and post-industrial societies and the relationship between work organizations within communities and society. Presents a sociological examination of work and the milieu of the worker. Course focuses on formal and informal work organizations, worker job satisfaction, and dissatisfaction.