Computer Science (B.S.) (2005)

Administered by: Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Effective Fall, 2004

A total of 54 semester hours is required for a major in computer science, as well as 54 hours of general education requirements, to include:

25.103 Public Speaking

Requirements for the major:

53.125 Calculus I

53.126 Calculus II

53.185 Discrete Mathematics

56.121 Computer Science I

56.122 Computer Science II

56.221 Computer Science III

56.240 Assembly Language Programming

56.250 Programming Language Paradigms

56.330 Digital Design

56.350 Organization of Programming Languages

56.355 Analysis of Algorithms and Data Structures

56.386 Concurrent Programming and Foundations of Operating Systems

Specialized Requirements

Select five courses totaling 15 semester hours from the following 11 courses:

56.356 Windows Programming
53.361 Coding and Signal Processing
56.373 Numerical Methods in Computing
53.374 Introduction to Discrete Systems Simulation
56.471 Numerical Analysis
56.472 Matrix Computation
56.491 Special Topics in Computer Science
56.323 Artificial Intelligence
56.357 Principles of Database Design
56.450 Compiler Construction
56.375 Local Area Networks
56.497 Internship in Computer Science

At most, one of the following three courses:

53.241 Probability and Statistics
53.225 Calculus III
53.314 Linear Algebra

At least one of the following three courses:

56.410 Computer Graphics
56.430 Computer Architecture
56.444 Parallel Processing