Chemistry (B.A.) (2005)

Department of Chemistry, College of Science and Technology

Effective: Fall, 2004

Requirements for the Major for a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry - In addition to general education requirements of the university, the following courses are required:

52.115 Chemistry for the Sciences 1

52.116 Chemistry for the Sciences 2

52.231 Organic Chemistry I

52.232 Organic Chemistry II

52.251 Inorganic Chemistry

52.321 Analytical Chemistry I

52.361 Physical Chemistry I

Two of the following four courses:

52.322 Instrumental Analytical Chemistry
52.341 Biochemistry
52.362 Physical Chemistry II
52.375 The Chemistry Curriculum and the Teaching Laboratory

54.211 General Physics I

54.212 General Physics II

53.125 Calculus I

53.126 Calculus II

53.225 Calculus III

Plus one of the following computer courses:

56.116 Algorithmic Processes
60.204 Educational Computing and Technology

60.350 Instructional Design Systems

60.351 Virtual Learning Communities