Administered by Biological and Allied Health Sciences
Effective Fall, 2005
There are a number of different options in the medical imaging degree program and variability in specific course requirements. Students should work closely with their advisor to organize an efficient plan of study. In all options the university's 120-hour requirement for a bachelors degree must be met.
Standard (2+2) Option. The following courses are required in addition to, or as part of, the general education requirements:
Major core courses
50.114 Concepts in Biology I or equivalent
50.173 Anatomy and Physiology I
50.174 Anatomy and Physiology II
52.101 Introductory Chemistry
54.107 Applied Physics for Health Sciences
48.101 General Psychology
48.160 Basic Statistics or 53.141 Introduction to Statistics
25.103 Public Speaking or 25.104 Interpersonal Communication
56.110 Introduction to Computer Science or 92.150 Introduction to Information Technology
89.300 Clinical Experience in Medical Imaging or 89.404 Geisinger Medical Imaging
Completion of two years of clinical experience in hospital-based certificate programs, and passing of the national registry exams, are required for the standard option. A maximum of 60 clinical credits will count towards the bachelor's degree.
Some clinical sites/specialty areas also require one or more of the following courses:
50.107 Medical Terminology
50.240 Introductory Microbiology
52.108 Physiological Chemistry
53.109 College Algebra or 53.113 Pre-Calculus
28.290 Medical Ethics
Short Clinical (3+1) Option:
Students who select clinical programs that are shorter than two years are required to take the courses listed for the standard option outlined above and also complete 15 cr hrs from one of the three emphasis areas.
89.300 Clinical Experience in Medical Imaging. The number of credits awarded varies depending on the length of the clinical experience. Completion of at least 12 months (30 cr hrs) in a hospital-based certificate program, and passing the national registry exam, are required.
Management Emphasis
Education Emphasis
Science Emphasis (select 15 cr hrs)