Secondary Education - Mathematics (2005)

Effective Fall, 2005

A total of 120 credits is required for a bachelor of science in education degree with a specialization in Mathematics. Requirements include:


53.185 Discrete Mathematics

53.225 Calculus III

53.226 Calculus IV

53.231 College Geometry

53.310 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

53.314 Linear Algebra

53.360 Number Theory

56.121 Computer Science

Select one computer course which must be numbered 56.122 or higher

Any two (2) Mathematics courses numbered 53.311 or higher

Secondary Education

Choose one of the following four courses:

56.305 Computer Applications
60.204 Educational Computing and Technology
60.350 Instructional Design Systems
60.351 Virtual Learning Communities

60.206 Teachers, Schools and Society

60.251 Psychological Foundations of Education.

60.291 Principles of Teaching

60.311 Classroom Measurement and Assessment

65.453 Teaching of Mathematics

Choose one of the following two courses:

60.393 Social Foundations of Education
60.406 Multicultural Education

60.497 Teaching in Education: First Experience

60.498 Teaching in Education: Second Experience

General Education

Among 53 credits of general education courses, the following are required:

20.101 Composition I

20.201 Composition II or a Writing Intensive Course:

20.131 The Bible as Literature
20.151 Introduction to Literature
20.152 Literature and Society
20.156 Popular Literature
20.226 European Literature I
20.227 European Literature II
20.236 American Literature I
20.237 American Literature II
20.246 British Literature I
20.247 British Literature II
20.256 Non-Western Literature I
20.257 Non-Western Literature II

Choose one of the following two courses

25.103 Public Speaking
25.104 Interpersonal Communication

53.141 Introduction To Statistics

46.200 Principles of Cultural Anthropology

48.101 General Psychology

48.212 Adolescent. Psychology

70.101 Introduction to Exceptional Individuals

50.115 Concepts Biology II

52.116 Chemical Principles and Measurements

54.112 Introductory Physics II or 54.212 General Physics II

Among courses chosen to meet humanities requirement, three departments must be represented from Art and Art History, Communication Studies and Theatre Arts, English, Languages and Cultures, Music History, and Philosophy. Among natural sciences and mathematics requirements, three departments must be represented from Biological and Allied Health Sciences, Chemistry; Geography and Geosciences; Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics, and Physics and Engineering Technology.

28.303 Philosophy of Science (Recommended)
42.250 History of Science (Recommended)