Effective Fall, 2005
A total of 124 credits is required to earn a bachelor of science in education degree with specialization in Biology. Required courses include:
Biology Courses
50.114 Concepts in Biology I
50.115 Concepts in Biology II
50.242 Biology of Microorganisms
50.271 Cell Biology
50.332 Genetics
50.351 Ecology
Physiology Requirement (3 credits) - choose one of the following five (5) courses:
Electives (17 Credits)
Choose one biology field course from the following six courses:
Choose one of the following two courses:
54.111 Introduction to Physics I
Students should select remaining credits from the approved list of Biology electives available in the Department of Educational Studies and Secondary Education. Of these, 50.430 Evolution is strongly recommended.
Secondary Education
Choose one of the following three courses:
60.206 Teachers, Schools and Society
60.251 Psychological Foundations of Education.
60.291 Principles of Teaching
60.311 Classroom Measurement and Assessment
Choose one of the following two courses:
65.453 Teaching of Science
60.497 Teaching in Education: First Experience
60.498 Teaching in Education: Second Experience
General Education
Among 53 credits of general education courses, the following are required:
20.101 Composition I
50.290 Writing in Biology
53.141 Introduction to Statistics
Choose one of the following two courses
45.211 Principles of Sociology
48.101 General Psychology
48.212 Adolescent. Psychology
70.101 Introduction to Exceptional Individuals
52.115 Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry
52.116 Chemical Principles and Measurements
50.479 Physiology Lab
Among courses chosen to meet humanities requirement, three departments must be represented from Art and Art History, Communication Studies and Theatre Arts, English, Languages and Cultures, Music History, and Philosophy, including one of the following:
Among courses to meet the natural sciences and mathematics requirement, students must select one Earth or Space Science course from the following five courses: