Exercise Science (B.S.) (2005)

Administered by the Department of Exercise Science and Athletics

Effective Fall, 2005

In addition to general education requirements totaling 54 semester hours, a minimum of 42 semester hours are required for a major in exercise science, with the remaining 18 required credits for area of concentration.

Required Courses

05.161 Intro to Exercise Science

05.321 First Aid, Safety, AED

50.173 Anatomy and Physiology I

50.174 Anatomy and Physiology II

05.351 Kinesiology

05.378 Exercise Physiology I

05.205 Intro to Nutrition

05.380 Research Methods in Exercise Science

05.450 ECG Interpretation/Exercise Testing

05.477 Exercise Prescription/Program

05.478 Exercise Physiology II

05.270 Exercise and You

09.230 Human Sexuality or 82.217 Alcohol Use and Abuse

Choose one of the following six courses:

53.109 College Algebra
53.112 Trigonometry
53.113 Pre Calculus
53.123 Essentials Calculus
53.141 Intro to Statistics
48.160 Basic Statistics

05.498 Internship in Exercise Science

9 credits Group B Social and Behavioral Sciences

48.101 General Psychology

45.211 Principles of Sociology

48.253 Social Psychology or 48.311 Adulthood and Aging

9 credits Group C Natural Sciences and Mathematics

50.231 Biology of Aging

52.101 Intro to Chemistry

54.111 Intro to Physics

Students must complete an 18 credit area of concentration within the Department of Exercise Science. This area of concentration must be declared 4 semesters prior to graduation and approved by the faculty advisor before scheduling any concentration courses.

Concentration Elective Courses:

05.280 Current Issues in Health Promotion

05.282 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries

05.291 Hiking, Backpacking, and Orienteering

05.292 Outdoor Life

05.294 Resistance Training Techniques

05.300 Group Fitness Instructor

05.304 Principles of Resistance Training

05.305 Aquatic fitness Programming

05.306 Psychology of Sport

05.308 Exercise and Mental Health

05.309 Decisions for Healthy Behavior

05.330 Introduction to Coaching

05.331 Recreation Education

05.333 School Camping/Outdoor Education

05.334 Women in Sport

05.360 Sport Nutrition

05.397 Adult Health and Development

*05.413 Current Issues in Sport and Exercise

05.414 Exercise Prescription and Programming for Special Populations

05.452 Cardiac Rehabilitation

*05.454 Exercise Specialist and Health Fitness Instructor

05.479 Clinical Exercise Physiology

*Dual listed Course for both Undergraduate and Graduate

Students must complete all Exercise Science major requirements (60 credits) with a grade of C or better in order to be eligible for graduation.