Department of History, College of Liberal Arts
Effective Fall, 2005
In addition to general education requirements, a total of 39 semester hours is required for a major in history with at least 18 semester hours drawn from 300 and 400 level courses. Some history major requirements also satisfy select general education requirements
42.121 United States History Survey: Colonial Period to 1877
42.122 United States History Survey: 1877 to the Present
42.125 Western Civilization to 1650
42.126 Western Civilization since 1650
42.298 Historiography and Historical Methods
42.398 Research and Writing Skills
Choose two from the following seven courses:
One 300-400 level U.S. history course
One 300-400 level European history course
One 300-400 level regional/non-western history course
Two 300-400 level history electives