Administered by: Department of Anthropology
Effective Fall, 2005
In addition to 53 credits of general education requirements, the interdisciplinary studies student completes a core of 24 credits, plus two minors in the social sciences to complete a total of 60 credits of study. The balance of the university's requirement for a bachelor of arts degree comes from elective courses.
46.200 Principles of Cultural Anthropology
40.211 Economics I
40.212 Economics II
48.101 General Psychology
45.211 Principles of Sociology
41.101 World Physical Geography or 41.102 World Cultural Geography
44.101 Elements of Political Science or 44.120 U.S. Government
A three-credit statistics course
In addition, each social science major must complete two minors (18 credits each) in the social sciences: anthropology, economics, geography (i.e., environmental planning), political science, psychology and sociology.