Concentration in International Business (2005)

Administered by Department of Finance and Legal Studies

Effective Fall, 2005

The Career Concentration in International Business (CCIB) is an interdisciplinary program designed to assist students develop appropriate skills and knowledge to prepare them for entry into and mobility within professions or careers related to international business. Completion of the concentration will be recognized on the student's official transcript.

The Career Concentration in International Business requires the completion of 18 credit hours of related course work plus a demonstrated proficiency in a foreign language (which may be English for international students for whom English is a second or foreign language).

Required courses are:

93.456 International Management
96.413 International Finance
97.380 International Marketing
98.407 International Legal Environment

These courses may also be applied to completing majors or minors in business as requirements or electives or culturally diversity courses.

Elective credits include:

Or other 300/400 level courses in economics or political science with the approval of the adviser.

Or an internship experience and/or course work while participating in a foreign exchange program, with the approval of the advisor or appropriate department chair.

Language competency: a student must satisfy a foreign language competency to the intermediate level, either by completing up to a Level IV in course work or demonstrating proficiency by examination in the foreign language. Any courses taken are in addition to the 18 credit hours in the concentration and may also count toward the students humanities general education requirement.