Administered by Department of Nursing
Effective Fall, 2004
Courses within the nursing curriculum are restricted to students in the B.S.N. program except for 82.100 Personal Health - A Multidimensional Perspective, 82.217 Alcohol: Use and Abuse, and 82.230 Drugs: Use and Abuse.
82.100 Personal Health: A Multidimensional Perspective (3) - This course will provide the student with information and tools to improve their personal health through accountability for health habits and decision making. Three major themes will evolve: 1) the relevance of personal health decisions to "Healthy People 2010" objectives; 2) current health issues within contemporary society; and 3) emphasis on holistic health - psychological, physical, social, environmental and spiritual - within a legal, ethical, political and cultural context. General Education elective.
82.204 Critical Evaluation of Research in Nursing (1) - Introduces research methods and techniques. Focuses on the student as a consumer of research with emphasis critiquing research studies for application and the ethics of research with human subjects. For Non-Matriculating RNs.
82.205 Research Application in Nursing (1) - Focuses on the contribution of research to the discipline and the consumer's role in applying research findings. Emphasizes identifying researchable problems and improving practice through application of research findings. Prerequisites: 82.204, Statistics course. For non-Matriculating RNs.
82.206 Proposal Writing in Nursing (1) - Focuses on the research process in identifying a researchable problem and formulating a beginning level research prospectus. Emphasizes conceptualization of a design to study a research problem. Prerequisite: 82.204, 82.205, Statistics course or consent of instructor. For Non-Matriculating RNs.
82.210 Professional Nursing - Introduces the student to the Bloomsburg University undergraduate nursing program and the concepts and processes of professional nursing. The mission, philosophy, and conceptual model of the curriculum are defined and discussed. Major concepts of the program are integrated into all aspects of the course. Students develop the view of person as a holistic open-system who is growing and developing across the life span. Exploration of the person's environment is included as related to nursing practice. Nursing roles are examined. Laboratory activities furnish opportunities to develop skills in group dynamics, communication and teaching. Assessment skills are applied as the student demonstrates the teaching role with clients in the community. Prerequisites: 45.211 or 213 or 46.200, 48.101, 48.210, 50.173, 50.174, 52.101, 52.108.
82.211 Nutrition (3) - Introduces the principles of nutrition and ways in which these principles are applied to promote an optimal level of functioning for all individuals. Topics include nutritional requirements for maintaining health and development throughout the life span as well as factors affecting food choices of individuals and society. Prerequisites: 50.240.
82.212 Pharmacology (3) - Provides a foundation in pharmacology for pharmacologic content integration throughout the curriculum. Explores the legal, social, ethical, historical, and political dimensions of pharmacotherapeutics. Prerequisites: 45.211 or 45.213 or 46.200, 48.101, 48.210, 50.173, 50.174, 52.101, 52.108.
82.213 Foundations of Nursing Practice (5) - Focuses on the application of assessment skills to promote optimal levels of functioning of the adult and older adult. Students apply theory to the care of the individual client as they begin to assume the nursing roles of practitioner, teacher, leader/manager and consumer of research. Students expand their knowledge and application of major nursing concepts as they provide health care to clients in non life-threatening situations. Laboratory simulations and computer instruction enable the student to develop psychomotor skills basic to nursing practice. Instructional strategies include clinical experiences with clients in community hospital settings. Prerequisites: 82.210, 82.212, 82.214, 50.240.
82.214 Health Assessment (3) - Introduces techniques and principles of health assessment for adult clients. Communication and interviewing skills are reinforced throughout the course. Health patterns of adults are assessed. Validation of health histories and practice of review of systems and basic assessment skills will occur in the Health Assessment Simulated Learning Laboratory. Prerequisites: prior to or concurrent with 82.210.
82.215 Pathophysiology for Nursing Practice (3) - Assists the student to apply the physiological principles as a means of understanding pathological conditions. Pathophysiological disruptions to system functioning are presented. The impact of these disruptions on the individual is discussed. Students will develop an understanding of signs and symptoms associated with selected pathophysiological disruptions as a basis for determining nursing care needs. Prerequisites: Prior to or concurrent with 82.213 , 82.210 and 50.240.
82.217 Alcohol: Use and Abuse (3) - Provides a comprehensive overview of alcohol use and misuse in the American population. Because alcohol is a leading public health problem in the U.S. today, this course is intended for students of all disciplines. The nature of alcohol problems will be examined as well as socio-cultural attitudes toward drinking. Alcohol's effects on the body will be explored. The impact of alcoholism on adolescents, professional workers, women, the elderly, and the family will be discussed. Prevention, intervention, and referrals will be examined. An overview of treatment and rehabilitation will include spiritual, moral, and legal aspects. This is not a clinical course; it is a free elective and an approved general education values course. Prerequisites: None. General Education elective
82.230 Drug Use and Abuse in Society (3) - Uses a multidimensional approach that emphasizes the confounding variables of biology, culture, family systems, this course focuses on critical issues relating to substance use and abuse. Examines a variety of perspectives related to drugs and drug use - pharmacological, behavioral, historical, legal and clinical. Relates the latest information on drugs to their effect on the human body and behavior, the family, and society. Substance dependence, intervention, referral and treatment are discussed. Drug control policies, prevention, and legal aspects of substance use are explored. General education elective.
82.305 Role Development for the Nurse Generalist (RNs) (3) - Designed to advance the role development of the registered nurse into professional practice as espoused by baccalaureate education in nursing. In this course, students will be introduced to the mission, philosophy, objectives, and organizing framework of the Bloomsburg University Department of Nursing. Students will apply concepts, principles and a variety of theories derived from nursing and related disciplines in developing their professional roles as practitioner, teacher, leader/manager, and consumer of research. Insights derived from values clarification and self-awareness activities will be applied as students explore legal, ethical, political and technological issues in their work independently and/or in collaboration with others. Students will be expected to apply principles and strategies of effective communication and group process as they work independently and/or in collaboration with others. Students will also be expected to articulate their own philosophy of professional nursing practice and to explore, at a basic level, the relatedness of their philosophy to a model of nursing practice. Prerequisites: Current state licensure as a RN; or and requirements under the articulation model.
82.306 Introduction to Nursing Research (3) - Introduces students to the concepts, skills and processes of research in nursing. The contributions of selected nursing theorists are explored as frameworks for nursing inquiry. Students evaluate research critically and examine its importance to the discipline of nursing. Prerequisite: 48.160 or 53.141; junior standing; 82.305 (if RN) or consent of instructor. (Spring semester only)
82.307 Geriatric Nursing (3) - Focuses on the physiological, psychological and social aspects of aging with emphasis on the assessment of problems and appropriate nursing intervention. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing or RN. Elective
82.310 Family Nursing (2) - Focuses on the concept of family as a open system and use of the nursing process to assess and promote family health across its lifespan. Students analyze the structures and functions of the family in contemporary U.S. society as a basis for determining health care needs. The role of the environment and sociocultural factors are explored as they influence the family's various functions. The nurse's role in assisting the family to assume responsibility for meeting the needs of its members is stressed. Prerequisites: 82.213 Foundations of Nursing Practice; concurrent 82.311 or 82.312. Fall Semester Junior Year only.
82.311 Adult Health Nursing I (7) - Focuses on the application of the nursing process to promote and restore the health of older adults with chronically or potentially life threatening illnesses. Students apply developmental theory related to the older adult while providing health care. Increasing independence in nursing roles occurs and students collaborate with health care providers in a variety of settings. Prerequisites: 82.213
82.312 Maternal and Child Health Nursing (8) - Focuses on family-centered nursing and the use of assessment findings to diagnose, plan, deliver, and evaluate quality care of women, neonates, children, and their families. Students, with guidance form faculty, integrate family and developmental theories into nursing practice with clients in a variety of settings. As providers of care, students serve as the patient advocate and educator as they focus on health promotion, risk reduction, and illness and disease management. Clinical sites support the students' increasing responsibility for collaboration with other members of the interdisciplinary team. Prerequisites: 82.213
82.313 Special Topics (1-6) - Presents a diversity of topics focusing on contemporary trends, issues and problems relevant to the principles and practice of professional nursing in the health care system.
82.405 Independent Study (1-6) - Requires investigation of an area of special interest and value to the student under the direction of a faculty member following a plan approved by the department chairperson. Course may be interdisciplinary. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing or consent by department.
82.410 Community Health Nursing (5) - Focuses on the use of nursing process, demography, epidemiology, program planning and evaluation to assist communities with the promotion, restoration and maintenance of health. The impact of multiple systems on health and healthcare delivery is identified as students collaborate with clients, support systems, other providers, public health agencies and the community as a whole. Role development will be fostered through independent and interdependent activities with culturally diverse groups and organizations. Approved as a cultural diversity course. Prerequisites: 82.306, 82.310, 82.311, 82.312, (82.305-RNs only)
82.411 Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing (5) - Focuses on the application of diverse theories, psychobiological concepts and epidemiological principles to students' use of nursing process to promote, maintain and restore the health of a culturally diverse client population in a variety of mental health care settings. Students employ a "therapeutic use of self" and function in independent and interdependent roles as they collaborate with client, support systems and other providers to deliver holistic and humanistic care. Prerequisites: 82.306, 82.310, 82.311, 82.312.
82.412 Adult Health Nursing II (7) - Focuses on providing care for adult clients with complex needs. Students employ critical thinking to problem-solving and make decisions. Student use nursing process, therapeutic skills and technology in assisting these clients to attain an optimal level of functioning. They collaborate with clients and the interdisciplinary team to promote, maintain and restore optimal health to a variety of clients. Learning experiences provide opportunities for students to develop proficiency as a practitioner, teacher, leader/manager, and consumer of research. The course promotes integration of values into professional behaviors and accountability for personal and professional growth. Prerequisites: 82.306, 82.310, 82.311, 82.312. Concurrent with 82.414.
82.414 Nursing Management/Leadership (4) - Focuses on management principles, including leadership theories and concepts, decision-making processes, budgeting guidelines and case management concepts. Content on public policy and health care economics are integrated into concurrent clinical courses to enhance professional role development. Prerequisites: 82.305(RNs), 82.306, 82.310, 82.311, 82.312, senior nursing major status.
82.451, 82.551 Transcultural Health Issues (3) - Provides students with a global perspective of transcultural health issues. Students will analyze the cultural, social, educational, economic, political, and environmental forces that contribute to health on an international level. Major cultural and ethnic determinants of health in developed in various countries in solving their health care problems will be compared. Research on transcultural health organizations dealing with cultural and ethical and ethical issues in world health will be evaluated. Prerequisites: Junior/Senior Undergraduate nursing major status or Registered Nurse (RN). Elective
82.460 Health Concerns in the Classroom: A Primer to Teachers (3) - Focuses on health problems of the school-age population and the educator's role in the classroom management of these problems. Health mandates, acute and chronic health conditions of childhood and adolescence, and strategies for maintaining a healthy classroom environment are presented. The medically fragile child in the classroom is also discussed. Prerequisites: Senior standing; Juniors with permission of faculty member. General education and school of education elective.
82.500 Applied Statistics for Health Professionals (3) - Applies principles and methods of statistical analysis of data in the health professions. The course emphasizes statistical concepts as a set of principles and a way of thinking for health professionals. Course is not required. Prerequisites: high school algebra, basic statistics course or consent of the instructor.
82.501 Theoretical Bases for Role Development in Advanced Nursing Practice (3) - Examines theoretical formulations related to role development in advanced nursing practice. Students use concepts, principles and strategies inherent in a variety of theories (i.e., systems, change, professional socialization and role) to serve as a framework for the development and enrichment of their advanced practice roles. Theory building, the relationship of models to theories, and major conceptual and theoretical models in nursing practice are also introduced. Students analyze and apply tenets of selected conceptual model of nursing to their own philosophy of advanced nursing practice. Leadership principles are also incorporated as students identify an actual or potential issue or problem related to their advanced practice role and design a proposal for planned change. Offered as a web-based course.
82.502 Epidemiology: Concepts and Principles for Advanced Nursing Practice (3) - Focuses on conceptual orientation and knowledge of techniques from epidemiology as a basis for all aspects of population-based practice in advanced nursing. Epidemiological perspective presented as a framework for assessing the well-being of populations and designing, implementing, and evaluating strategic nursing and health care interventions. Students apply basic epidemiologic research designs in the investigation, analysis, and proposed solutions to observed patterns of health states in contemporary populations. Offered as a web-based course.
82.503 Bases for Research for Advanced Nursing Practice (3) - Builds on previous knowledge of research and statistics to enhance student application, use, and development of nursing research to improve the quality of health and health care delivery. Principles and strategies inherent in scientific inquiry, critical evaluation and the research process are applied. Focuses on identification of a researchable problem in clinical nursing practice, review and critique of relevant literature, selection of a conceptual or theoretical framework and identification of an appropriate research design and methodology to study the problem. Students plan, develop and present a research prospectus using appropriate scholarly format and style. Offered as a web-based course.
82.504 Pathophysiology for Advanced Nursing Practice (3) - Presents pathologic mechanisms of disease that serve as a major component in the foundation for clinical assessment and management of individuals, essential for advanced nursing practice. Primary focus is on applying pathophysiological mechanisms to explain illness phenomena and in assessing an individuals response to the pharmocologic management of illnesses. Major laboratory studies useful for verifying abnormalities are discussed. Builds on knowledge from undergraduate courses through pursuit of content in greater depth and synthesizing and applying research-based knowledge. Offered as a web-based course.
82.507 Pharmacology for Advanced Nursing Practice (3) - Applies principles of pharmacology to advanced nursing practice of adults. Emphasis is on physiological mechanisms of drug action and significant adverse reactions. Presents proper prescribing and monitoring procedures for various drug regimens used to treat common disease states. Discusses self-medication, multiple drug interactions, legal, ethical and socio-cultural implications of drug therapy and patient teaching. Presents alternative "drug" therapies. Offered as a web-based course.
82.508 Adult Health Assessment and Promotion (6) - Focuses on developing the student's competence in performing health assessment of adults. Learning experiences are provided for synthesizing cognitive knowledge with psychomotor skills. Throughout the course, emphasis is placed on health assessment, communication, analysis of data, written and verbal presentation of data and issues related to health promotion and disease prevention in adults. Prerequisite or corequisite: 82.504.
82.509 Theory of School Health Nursing (3) - Provides an overview of coordinated school health programs and the role of the school nurse. The focus is on the implementation of a coordinated school health program based on local and state mandates and laws. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between a coordinated school health program and "Healthy People" objectives.
82.511 Community Health Nursing I (6) - Focuses on the role development of the clinical nurse specialist in community health nursing. Students apply advanced knowledge, skills and critical thinking in the competent use of the nursing process with populations and the community as a whole. Evaluation and refinement of a model for advanced practice provide a framework for the student's development of the multifaceted roles of practitioner, educator, researcher, consultant and leader/manager. Leadership principles and strategies are applied as students assess and analyze the health status and determinants of health of populations and the total community. Students collaborate and coordinate with other community health nurses, a variety of providers, and clients in a diversity of settings to plan and develop innovative programs designed to meet identified health needs of risk populations in the community. Weekly seminars assist and enable the students to participate in the analysis of current community health issues, develop research skills, and understand the development and operationalization of health policies within community health programs. Prerequisites: 82.501, 82.502, 83.503, 82.520..
82.512 Adult Health and Illness Nursing I (6) - Focuses on the role development of the clinical nurse specialist in adult health and illness. Students apply advanced knowledge, skills and critical thinking in the competent use of nursing process, therapeutic interventions, and technology to administer nursing services to a specific adult population to facilitate optimal wellness and to impact on the delivery of adult health care. Evaluation and refinement of a model for advanced practice provide a framework for holistic care of adult clients and one's development of the multifaceted roles as practitioner, educator, consultant and leader/manager. Leadership principles and strategies are employed as students collaborate with adult clients, support systems and variety of providers in diverse settings to promote, restore and maintain adult health. Through social, ethical and political actions, client advocacy and change process are encouraged to affect the quality of adult health care. Weekly seminar affords student's participation in analyzing current adult health care problems, trends/issues and in evaluating and formulating strategies for health care reform. Research skills are enhanced through seminar presentations, clinical practicum and course assignments. Prerequisites: 82.508.
82.513 Management and Organizational Behavior in Nursing Administration (6) - Applies managerial theories and concepts to nursing administration. Focuses on the synthesis and utilization of managerial principles, organizational behavior, management information systems, operations management and financial accounting in nursing administration for the delivery of effective health care. Fall semester only. Prerequisites: 40.512, 91.504, 91.524, 93.501, 93.566, 82.501, 82.502, 83.503, 82.520. Two hours/week, practicum for 12 hours/week.
82.514 Independent Study (3) - Student works with a faculty preceptor in conducting an individualized study related to a particular area of clinical interest.
82.515 Diagnosis and Management of Health Problems in Adults I (6) - First of two clinical courses that focuses on diagnosis and management of health problems in adults. Emphasis on developing knowledge related to the most common problems for adults in ambulatory care, including but not limited to hypertension, cough, chest pain, dyspnea, edema and fatigue. Addresses issues related to the role of the nurse practitioner and provides opportunities to discuss these as the student begins the transition to this advanced practice role. Prerequisites: 82.502, 82.507, 82.508.
82.516 Diagnosis and Management of Health Problems in Adults II (6) - Second of a two-semester clinical sequence that focuses on the diagnosis and management of health problems in adults. Emphasis on developing knowledge related to the most common problems for adults in ambulatory care, including but not limited to sore throat, abdominal pain, headache and arthritis. Addresses issues related to the role of the nurse practitioner and provides opportunities to discuss these as the student continues transition to this advanced practice role. Prerequisite: 82.515.
82.517 Diagnosis and Management of Children and Pregnant Women (8) - Offered to students who have completed all courses for the Adult Nurse Practitioner Program and who desire preparation as a Family Nurse Practitioner. Completion of this clinical course will prepare the student to function as a Family Nurse Practitioner and to be eligible to take a family nurse practitioner national certification examination. Focuses on the diagnosis and management of the most common health problems of children and pregnant women with an emphasis on developmental stages and family social and cultural influences. The student will increase clinical reasoning skills to manage acute and chronic illnesses as well as to promote the health of children, pregnant women and families in primary care settings. In addition, the course will address issues related to the role of the Family Nurse Practitioner and provide opportunity to discuss this as the student continues the transition to this advanced practice role.
82.520 Community Assessment and Planning (3) - Provides students with knowledge and skills to perform a comprehensive community assessment and develop a program for an identified health need or problem. Students use concepts from nursing theory, epidemiology, cultural principles and research to identify a community need or problem, develop a proposed solution and plan of action. Preparation of a grant proposal will be a major focus of the plan of action. Class format is seminar and collaborative group work. Prerequisite: 82.502. Offered as a web-based course.
82.521 Nurse as Health Educator Within School System (3) -Focuses on the application of principles of health promotion and health education within the school system. Theoretical content builds on learning theories appropriate to the school age child and families. This course provides the information necessary for the school age child and families. This course provides the information necessary for the school nurse to assess the health education needs of school students, families and school personnel; to plan a specific health program; and, to identify mechanisms for implementation within a school system.
82.522 Family Health Nursing Theory (3) - Focuses on theoretical perspectives of the family as a basis for advanced practice nursing in the specialty area of Family Nurse Practitioner. Models and theories of family health and family nursing are analyzed, compared, and contrasted. Strategies for using these theoretical bases to form working partnerships with families across the life cycle to advance their capacities are explored in depth. Use of the clinical case study methodology demonstrates the levels and scope of information and interventions that can be derived from using the various models and instruments. The implications for family practice, education, family health policy, and research are examined.
82.531 Community Health Nursing II (6) - Builds upon Practicum I and concentrates on advanced professional nursing. There is an emphasis on the student's increasing independence and self-directed learning. Through the assimilation of additional theory, students continue to apply critical thinking, communication skills, therapeutic interventions and values as they implement and evaluate community health nursing programs and interventions for selected high-risk populations. They function independently and collaboratively with others who influence the health care environment to improve the health of the community. Students continue to engage in social, ethical and political actions which initiate and effect change at the community level. Interventions that assist in the development of public policy based on the assessed needs of populations are stressed. Weekly seminars continue to focus on the analysis of current community health issues, leadership in the development of health policy and research in the advanced practice in community health nursing. Prerequisite: 82.511.
82.532 Adult Health and Illness Nursing II (6) - Concentrates on advanced professional nursing practice as a clinical nurse specialist within a specialized area of adult health and illness through independent, self-directed learning. Through self-directed learning activities, the student is facilitated to assimilate additional theory and research in advancing the student's knowledge, critical thinking, communication skills, therapeutic interventions/technology and values in advanced clinical nursing practice for adult clients. Students enhance their expertise in the multifaceted roles of the clinical nurse specialist in adult health and illness by assuming leadership/management positions in a health care setting and by functioning both independently and collaboratively with clients, support systems, other providers and community in improving the quality of adult health care. Social, ethical and political actions are employed in order to initiate and affect change regarding the development of health care policy and its effect on health care. Weekly student-conducted seminars focus on the analysis of current concepts, practices, trends, issues, health policies and research in their role enactment as clinical nurse specialists in the advanced practice of adult health and illness. Prerequisite: 82.512.
82.533 Management and Organizational Behavior in Health Care Delivery System (6) - This course explores, through a seminar format, complex organizational issues and future directions in health care and health care organizations. The major focus of this course is on process designs and models of effective partnerships/health care practices between and within organizations. Weekly student-conducted seminars center on the analysis of current management/leadership practices, trends and issues in organizational transformation, health policies and research in one's role enactment as a nurse member of an executive management team. Course may be taught in another country to provide international aspects. Prerequisite: 82.533, consent of the instructor.
82.534 Adult Nurse Practitioner Practicum and Seminar (6) - Culminating clinical course for the adult nurse practitioner program. Provides the student an opportunity to apply knowledge gained throughout the program while gaining entry-level competence in the clinical area of the student's choosing. Addresses clinical and professional role issues, including management of complex patients and assessment of organizations as practice settings, quality of care and risk management, and professional responsibilities of practice. Issues of professional responsibility include influence of and on health policy, continuing education, health education of the community and clinical research. Focuses on developing confidence and competence as an adult nurse practitioner. Prerequisite: 82.516.
82.560 Health Concerns in the Classroom (3) - Focuses on health problems of the school-age population and the educator's role in the classroom management of these problems. Health mandates, acute and chronic health conditions of childhood and adolescence, and strategies for maintaining a healthy classroom environment are presented, including the medically fragile child in the classroom.
82.590 Thesis (6) - Available as an elective. Prerequisite: see clinical option advisor.