Administered by Department of Early Childhood and Elementary Education
Effective Fall, 2004
62.121 Introduction to Early Childhood Education (3) - Examines the historical and philosophical foundations of early childhood education. Analyzes current trends and practices for teaching children from birth to age 6. Prerequisites: pre-teacher education and program of study. Prerequisites: pre-teacher education and program of study.
62.302 Teaching of Science in the Elementary School (3) - Emphasizes the major methods and materials used in elementary school science. Prerequisite: 64 semester hours.
62.304 Environmental Education in the Elementary School (3) - Emphasizes learning experiences that will (a) provide environmental education knowledge, skills, techniques and (b) encourage the development of positive attitudes, confidence, and motivation to promote environmental education in the elementary school.
62.310 Teaching Fine Arts in the Elementary School (3) - Provides competencies in the selection and implementation of materials and procedures for teaching literary, visual and performing arts to elementary school children. Emphasizes comprehension and integration of fine arts into all areas of the school curriculum. Prerequisite: 45 semester hours.
62.322 Seminar in Learning Experiences with Young Children (3) - Outlines physical, mental, emotional and social levels of children from birth to age 8, with attention to environmental factors that foster child growth. Examines prenatal, infant-toddler, preschool and kindergarten programs to meet the needs of this age child and to provide the background of experience needed for later ventures into reading, art, arithmetic, science, social studies, music, literature, physical education and health and safety. Prerequisites: Psychology 48.101, 48.211.
62.371 Teaching Reading in the Elementary School (3) - Examines developmental reading from readiness through sixth grade. Prerequisite: 45 semester hours.
62.373 Diagnostic and Inclusionary Practices (3) - Presents diagnostic and remedial procedures emphasizing both standardized and informal techniques. Prerequisite: 62.371.
62.390 Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School (3) - Emphasizes methods and materials appropriate for teaching elementary school social studies in contemporary society. Prerequisite: 64 semester hours.
62.391 Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary School (3) - Emphasizes methods and materials designed to help elementary school children develop communication skills for today's complex society. Includes all areas of a modern language arts curriculum. Prerequisite: 64 semester hours.
62.398 Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School (3) - Outlines mathematical methods, materials, understandings and attitudes essential in the teaching of contemporary programs in the elementary school. Prerequisite: 64 semester hours.
62.400 Workshop in Teaching Mathematics in Early Childhood and Elementary Education (1-6) - Presents a workshop format to provide individual or group study of problems concerned with teaching mathematics at early childhood and elementary levels.
62.410 Methods and Materials in Early Childhood Education I (3) - Provides teachers with a workshop experience in infant daycare centers and nursery schools. Provides methods and materials that teachers can use and construct in their centers and classrooms. Examines theories of Bruner, Piaget, Froebel, Montessori and Vygotsky. Prerequisites: 62.121, 62.322.
62.420 Methods and Materials in Early Childhood Education II (3) - Provides teachers with a workshop experience in infant daycare centers and nursery schools. Provides methods and materials that teachers can use and construct in their centers and classrooms. Examines theories of Bruner, Piaget, Froebel, Montessori and Vygotsky. Prerequisites: 62.121, 62.322.
62.431 Independent Study in Elementary and Early Childhood Education (1-3) - Individual projects in education. Requires consent of the department chairperson.
62.494 Teaching in Education: First Experience (6) - The student teaching assignment is determined by the student's area of specialization. Provides opportunities for direct participating experiences. Places students in classrooms with public or private school teachers. The student's major determines their assignment: K-6 - one experience in a primary level and one experience in an intermediate level of a public school; N-K-3 - one experience in a preschool situation and one in a primary level of a public school, or two experiences in a primary level of a public school.
62.495 Teaching in Education: Second Experience (6) - see 62.494
62.496 Practicum in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education II (1-6) - Individually prescribed course of study and activity-based learning and practice teaching. Previous experience and academic achievement reviewed. Consent of program coordinataor and department chairperson required. Prerequisite: 64 credits and complete packet.
62.497 Teaching Literacy and Literature in Diverse Classrooms (3) - Explores literacy development to create a positive literacy learning environment for diverse learners.
62.510 Methods and Materials in Early Childhood Education I (3) - For in-service teachers and graduate students. Study of selected areas in early childhood education. Individual or group study of subjects of interest or concern in teaching.
62.520 Methods and Materials in Early Childhood Education II (3) - See course description for 62.510.
62.521 Elementary School Curriculum (3) - Studies problems related to development, experimentation, and improvement of curriculum practices in the elementary school.
62.522 Curriculum Trends in Early Childhood Education (3) - Studies the changing goals and the developing programs children birth through age eight required to meet the needs of children who enter school with a variety of experiential backgrounds.
62.523 Practices in Teaching the Young Child (3) - Examination of current practices in teaching the young child with emphasis on the developmental aspects of childhood as they relate to the school program.
62.524 Knowledge and Curriculum (3) - A study of the place of knowledge in developing a curriculum. The emphasis is on content as it is influenced by the Pennsylvania Content Standards and innovative practices in teaching and learning.
62.525 Current Practices in Elementary School Science (3) - Studies the problems resulting from the increased interest of children in science and the need for science instruction in the elementary grades; methods and materials for nurturing these interests and for implementing science instruction within the limits of the interests of children are presented and evaluated.
62.526 Methods and Materials in Science and Mathematics (3) - Offers an approach to curriculum in which mathematics and science content, skills and methods of instruction are integrated. Particular attention given to creative, integrated activities and learning situations that range from individual inquiry to group interactions.
62.527 Social Studies in the Elementary School (3) - Examines contemporary trends and current research in the disciplines of the social sciences as a basis for development of a conceptual framework for a social studies program.
62.528 Language Arts in the Modern School (3) - Studies problems related to instruction in various aspects of the language arts; place of the language arts in the curriculum; current research and its practical application.
62.529 Literature for Children in the Elementary Grades (3) - Surveys ways children may encounter literature and methods that are effective in the encounter. Students become acquainted with children's books, work with children in a storytelling experience, discover ways other than through reading by which children may experience literature.
62.530 Environmental Education for the Elementary Teacher (3) - This course will (a) provide environmental education knowledge, skills, techniques and (b) encourage the development of positive attitudes, confidence and motivation to promote environmental education in the elementary school. The course is designed for in-service teachers or graduate students having little or no training or experience in environmental education.
62.531 Environmental Education Experiences (3) - The workshop format of this courses is designed for in-service early childhood and elementary teachers that have some training or experience in environmental education. The course will provide opportunities for participants to broaden their experiences and knowledge in environmental education.
62.533 Values Clarification in the Elementary School (3) - Primarily for elementary education students. Emphasizes the philosophy and composition of values clarification as it applies to the elementary school child. Practical and theoretical aspects stressed as well as techniques for helping children build a value system by which they can live. Emphasis on methods which aid the teacher in becoming aware of the emotional needs of children, humanizing of the education process, and improvement of working and learning relationships with others.
62.537 Methods and Materials in Language Arts and Social Studies (3) - Offers an approach in curriculum in which social studies and language arts content, skills and methods of instruction are integrated. Particular attention given to creative, integrated activities and learning situations that range from individual inquiry to group interactions.
62.539 Current Topics in Elementary Education (3) - Investigates current thinking and research in aspects of elementary education.
62.581 Independent Study in Elementary Education (1-6) - Comparable to 60.583.
62.583 Seminar in Elementary Education (1-6) - Comparable to 60.583.
62.590 Current Research and Development in Early Childhood Education (3) - Examines recent literature and research in early childhood education, prenatal through age 8, characteristics of the learner, learning environment, learning materials, and innovative programs. Departmental paper and/or curriculum projects are initiated in this course.
62.591 Learning and Development of the Young Child (3) - Surveys child development and its relationship to the early school years; the development of the young child from prenatal through age eight.
62.592 Identification and Prescription of the Needs of Young Children (3) - Focuses on techniques of identifying the physical, emotional, social, and mental needs of young children and in developing appropriate prescriptive procedures.
62.593 Organization and Administration of Educational Programs for Young Children (3) - Studies the various programs in early childhood education with emphasis on the expansion and administration with regard to the selection of personnel, evaluative techniques, and curriculum procedures, school law, finance, and other appropriate subjects.
62.594 Practicum in Early Childhood Education (6) - Individually prescribed course of study and activity-based learning and practice teaching. Previous experience and academic achievement reviewed. Practicum proposal required, and consent of program coordinator and department chairperson required.
62.595 Individualized Instruction - Principles and Practices for the Classroom (3) - Analyzes practices, principles, and procedures for individualizing instruction. Experiences include procedures for adapting conventional instructional modes to individualized settings.
62.596 Practicum in Early Childhood Education (3) - see 62.594.