Chinese - CHI (16)

Administered by Languages and Cultures

Effective Fall, 2004

16.105 Chinese I (3) - Basic elements of Mandarin Chinese, with emphasis on spoken language. Introduces the Chinese culture. Requires practice sessions in language lab.

16.106 Chinese II (3) - Continuation of 16.105. Begin study of the Chinese characters. Requires practice sessions in language laboratory. Prerequisite: 16.105 or equivalent.

16.211 Foundations of Chinese Civilization (Fall) (3) - Chinese culture and civilization in historical perspective, with emphasis on art and philosophy. Taught in English. Approved as a diversity course.

16.212 China Today (Spring) (3) - Chinese culture and civilization today, with focus on art, political philosophy, customs and new directions. Taught in English. Approved as a diversity course.

16.350 Foreign Language Teaching Methodology and Research (3) - Covers evolution of methodology, new trends and theories, latest quantitative and qualitative reasearch. Rquired for foreign language education majors. Not offered every semester.

16.400 Study Abroad (1-8) - by consent of the chairperson.