Audiology (Au.D.) (2004)

Administered by Audiology and Speech Pathology

Effective Fall, 2004

Program Description

The Au.D. curriculum is a 4 year clinical program. Its primary objective is to produce audiologists who are competent to perform the wide array of diagnostic, remedial, and other services associated with the practice of audiology. The Au.D. places major emphasis on clinical training and the practical application of research, theory, and technology into clinical practice.

The first two years of the program emphasizes didactic instruction and laboratory class work combining theory, practicality and emerging technology. The emphasis in the final two years is on combining the theory with clinical learning experiences. The fourth year is a full year externship with monitoring and advisement by the faculty and staff. Both academic and practicum experience focus on the prevention, identification, evaluation and treatment of individuals with disorders of auditory, balance, communication and related systems.

The program includes academic and clinical training in diagnosis, amplification, electrophysiological testing, aural rehabilitation, educational audiology, assistive devices, cochlear implants, industrial audiology, and private practice..

The program is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and upon graduation, the individual is eligible for the certificate of clinical competence issued by the Council for Clinical Certification of the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association. The graduate also meets all requirements for licensure by the Pennsylvania State Board of Examiners in Speech, Language and Hearing.

Financial Support for Au.D. Students

Financial support is available through several sources at Bloomsburg University. In addition to the support listed below, conventional financial aid packages are available through the Financial Aid Office located in the Student Services Center (570-389-4279). Graduate assistantships and teaching associate information are available through the Graduate School at


The program of study consists of the following courses:

50.576 Neurophysiology
72.600 Diagnostic Audiology I: Assessment of Auditory Sensitivity and Speech perception
72.601 Aural Rehabilitation for adults
72.602 Hearing Science I
72.603 Internship: Clinic Methods/Practicum in Audiology I
72.604 Hearing Aids: Theoretical and Technical Considerations
72.605 Diagnostic Audiology II: Acoustic immittance, site of lesion and pseudohypacusis
72.606 Electronics and Instrumentation in Audiology
72.607 Internship: Clinic Methods/Practicum in Audiology II
72.608 Evaluation and Treatment of Tinnitus
72.609 Theoretical and Clinical Masking
72.610 Auditory Problems in Children
72.611 Internship: Clinic Methods/Practicum in Audiology III
72.620 Assistive Listening Devices
72.621 Hearing Science II
72.622 Aural Habilitation and Rehab for Children
72.623 Internship: Clinic Methods/Practicum in Audiology IV
72.624 Hearing Aids: Clinical Considerations and Fitting Practices
72.625 Clinical Neuroanatomy of Auditory, Visual and Somatasensory System
72.626 Internship: Clinic Methods/Practicum in Audiology V
72.627 Central Auditory Processing Disorders
72.628 Geriatric Audiology
72.629 Personal and Interpersonal Implications of Aural Habilitation/Rehab
72.630 Internship: Clinic Methods/Practicum in Audiology VI
72.635 Clinical Physiological Methods in Audiology: ABR, EcochG
72.636 Professional Ethics and Cult Divers
72.637 Medical Audiology
72.638 Clinic Externship/Residency I
72.639 Evaluation and Management of Balance Disorders
72.640 Cochlear, Auditory Brainstem and Middle Ear Implants: Assessment and Management
72.641 Research in Audiology
72.642 Clinic Externship/Residency II
72.643 Hearing Conservation
72.644 Issues and Perspectives in Audio. Practices
72.645 Educational Audiology
72.646 Clinic Externship/Residency III
72.647 Clinic Externship/Residency IV
72.648 Clinic Externship/Residency V
72.699 Dissertation

In addition, clinical practica and externships are required throughout the program

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Doctorate of Audiology program is on a competitive bases. Interested students are encouraged to apply early (application deadline is March 15th). On-line application material can be downloaded at

Prerequisite coursework and requirements. The Graduate School's general admission criteria and the following specific criteria must be met for unconditional admission.

Individuals not meeting all requirements: Conditional admission is considered upon recommendation of the faculty.


The student must maintain a QPA of 3.0 with no more than 2 grades lower than a B- throughout the doctoral program. A grade of B- or lower in any clinical experience will necessitate repeating the course to achieve a grade of B or higher.

Audiology Faculty and Clinical Staff

Richard Angelo, Ph.D., Ed.D., CCC-A

Professor/Department Chairperson
Director of Clinical Services
Clinical Electrophysiology

Jackie Davie, M.S., CCC-A

Assistant Professor
Pediatric Audiology
Hearing Science

Suzanne Sainclair, M.S., CCC-A

Assistant Professor
Physiological Methods
Professional Ethics
Hearing Aids

Thomas Zalewski, Ph.D., CCC-A

Assistant Professor
Tinnitus Evaluation and Retraining
Balance Disorders
Auditory Processing Disorders

Darren Hohn, D.O.

Assistant Professor
Medical Audiology

Ted Johnson, Au.D., CCC-A

Assistant Professor
Aural Rehabilitation
Assistive Listening Devices

Thomas Pollock, D.O.

Assistant Professor
Medical Audiology

Peter Stine, Ph.D.

Electronics and Instrumentation

Margaret Till, Ph.D.


Deborah John, Au.D.., CCC-A

Staff Audiologist
Clinical Supervision

Research Opportunities

Students will have the opportunity to be involved in clinical research projects with the department faculty. Students will also have the opportunity to conduct their own research under the guidance of the faculty. Student research grants are available through the University and National Organizations (AAA, ASHA). Students are encouraged to present their research at State and National meetings.


Practicum opportunities are available through the Bloomsburg University audiology clinic which is housed in Centennial Hall and contracted services that the Clinic provides to public schools, hospitals, private practice and industry. Affiliations are also in place with over 80 hospitals, clinics, public schools and private practice settings.

In-house clinic:

Hearing Aid Clinic - Selection, verification and orientation of analog and digital technology across the life span

Hospital Clinic - Newborn hearing screening, occupational medicine and in and out patient services

Aural Rehabilitation - Infant habilitation and counseling with a parent-centered focus, school-age evaluation for assistive devices and amplification, geriatric rehabilitation

Electrophysiology Clinic Diagnostic Testing - Otoacoustic Emissions, Auditory Evoked Potentials, Acoustic Reflex Decay

Tinnitus Clinic - Diagnostic and rehabilitative services, auditory maskers, counseling, and tinnitus retraining therapy

Vestibular/Balance Clinic - Diagnostic and rehabilitative services, electromystagmography and rotational chair

About the Department

The Audiology program is located in the School of Health Sciences. The Department consists of 14 faculty, 7 in-house staff and 15 clinical staff instructors from area hospitals, clinics and private practices. The Clinic utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and computer labs that are accessible to the graduate students.

Graduate classes taught during the academic year are usually scheduled in the late afternoon or evening to allow clinical practicum opportunities.

Academic and clinical facilities are housed in a newly constructed building, Centennial Hall. The Harvey A. Andruss Library houses more than 350,000 bound volumes, 1.8 million microtexts, 1,710 current periodicals, and subscribes to 100 medical and professional data bases for student research.