Administered by Department of Languages and Cultures
Effective Fall, 2004
Career Opportunities: In addition to a career in teaching (see below), advanced proficiency in Spanish (expected of students with a Major in Spanish) provides students with a wide range of career opportunities, often by coupling Spanish with other courses of study, some of which include business, marketing, communications, translation / interpretation, journalism, tourism, hotel management, social services, banking, publishing, political science (law), public relations, etc. Since Spanish is spoken virtually world-wide, skilled bilingual graduates boast employment opportunities that reach beyond the borders of the U.S. into the international business community.
Study Abroad Opportunities: The department offers an exchange program with the University of Puerto Rico, Cayey Campus. The UPR is open to all university students who have had at least two years of college Spanish. A Summer Abroad program is also offered, the first seven days at Bloomsburg University and then four weeks at the Universidad Pontificia of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain. The program includes excursions to a number of cultural sites.
Internship Opportunities: Students can enroll in 38.498 Internship in the Humanities, transferred as an elective in the Spanish program. Internships in Spanish require total cultural immersion and must be designed to take place in a Spanish-speaking country. Internships are tailored to the students' interest and according to the skills gained in the language. Interns have both an on-site and a faculty supervisor to oversee and guide their work.
Annual Spanish Section Award - This award is presented to a senior who: excels in the Spanish language, has rendered language-related service to the department and the university, and is recommended by the majority of the faculty in the Spanish section
Scheduling basic language courses: Students and Advisors should adhere to the following guidelines when scheduling:
A minimum of 36 credit hours is required for the major. 12.102 or the equivalent is required before entering the major sequence. Students must receive a minimum grade of C in every course required for the major.
12.203 Spanish III
12.204 Spanish IV
12.206 Structure of the Spanish Language
12.207 Conversation and Composition I
12.250 Spanish for Heritage Speakers I (requires approval of instructor)
12.214 Hispanic Culture and Civilization
12.305 Applied Phonetics and Pronunciation
12.306 Conversation and Composition II
12.350 Spanish for Heritage Speakers II (requires approval of instructor)
12.402 Advanced Conversation
12.403 Advanced Structure and Composition
12.420 Spanish Literature
12.421 Spanish American Literature
Note: Exemptions from required courses are allowed only through consultation with a Spanish advisor and must be substituted with an advanced elective in Spanish.
Electives - Choose 3 credits minimum by advisement.
12.208 Spanish for Health Professions
12.209 Spanish for Social Services
12.211 Spanish Culture and Civilization
12.212 Spanish American Culture and Civilization
12.213 Hispanic Culture and Literature
12.281-9 Special Topics
12.290 Study Abroad
12.309 Commercial Spanish
12.331 Literary Analysis of Hispanic Texts
12.325 Spanish for Educators
12.335 Communicative Spanish for Teachers
12.390 Internship in Spanish
12.422 Hispanic Theater and Poetry
12.430 Hispanic Short Story
12.490 Independent Study
Education / Spanish Majors
Students with a Major in Secondary Education with Spanish as their area of specialization must complete the requirements for a Spanish Major AND the core requirements in Secondary Education:
60.210 Field Studies in Education I
60.204 Educational Computing and Technology
60.251 Psychological Foundations of Education
60.291 Principles of Teaching
60.301 Field Studies II
60.311 Classroom Measurement and Assessment
60.393 Social Foundations of Education OR 60.394 Education in Urban Society
60.450 Methods of Teaching Foreign Language in the Elementary School
65.358 Methods of Teaching Foreign Language in the Secondary School
65.374 Teaching of Reading in Academic Subjects
60.497 Student Teaching - First Experience
60.498 Student Teaching - Second Experience
Secondary Education / Spanish majors must consult with both their Education and their Spanish advisors .
Spanish Concentration
Only for Majors in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. A Concentration in Spanish consists of 18 credits. Students having completed the basic language sequence and requiring additional courses to complete the concentration should choose from: Teaching of Foreign Language in the Elementary School; 12.211, 12.212, 12.206, 12.207, 12.305; appropriate literature course. Students seeking a Spanish concentration for Early Childhood Education or Elementary Education should do so in close consultation with their Education and Spanish advisors.