Administered by Exceptionality Programs
Effective Fall, 2003
75.101 Visual/Gestural Communication (3) - A study of the visual-gestural aspects of communication that are an integral part of ASL. Emphasis will be on visual and kinetic readiness via visual/gestural communication techniques, visual discrimination and memory exercises. Also kinetic theory and exercises of body, face, arm and hands and their relationship to space.
75.155 American Sign Language I (3) - A study of American Sign Language (ASL) including the history of ASL and its recognition as a language. Focuses on development of expressive and receptive conversational ASL skills.
75.225 Linguistics of ASL (3) - An historical overview of social and linguistic events that have influenced transformations in ASL; an introduction to structure and organizational properties of ASL as identified through linguistic research; review of other languages that share similar organizational principles; a discussion of semantic hierarchy and framework for analyzing semantic properties of ASL.
Prerequisite: 75.155.
75.226 American Sign Language II (3) - A continuation of ASL I with emphasis placed on more complex grammatical structures and conversational fluency.
75.235 Introduction to Interpreting (3) - Focuses on topics such as the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, various kinds of certification, establishing the interpreting situation and the mental processes involved in interpreting and transliteration. Emphasis on ethical behavior.
75.257 American Sign Language III (3) - Continuation of ASL II. Major focus on the study of ASL sign principles and linguistic structure of the language to continue building expressive and receptive ASL skills. Prerequisite: 75.155.
75.265 Pre-Interpreting Skills (3) - A skill-based course in which students will prepare themselves linguistically, physically, and cognitively for the act of interpreting.
75.275 Oral Interpreting (3) - Identifies information and techniques and the utilization of skills required for effective oral interpreting and transliterating. Includes use of personal characteristics to facilitate speech reading and the identification of the needs of the hearing impaired individual during interpretation.
75.327 American Sign Language IV (3) - A continuation of ASL II. Focuses on more advanced linguistic aspects of ASL and a synthesis of all concepts previously learned. Prerequisite: Interpreting in the Educational Setting (3) - Study of interpreting within a variety of educational settings including postsecondary, secondary and elementary areas. Topical areas include: recent legislation on the status of interpreters, characteristics of various meetings and visually coded English Sign Systems.
75.330 Deaf Culture (3) - Involves study and analysis of the deaf community. Emphasis on research and discussion of social, psychological and personal aspects of the members of the deaf community.
75.335 Translation (3) - A practice-oriented course used to train students to translate frozen texts from English to American Sign Language and from American Sign Language to English with extensively delayed time frames. Prerequisites: 72.265
75.358 American Sign Language V (3) Continuation of ASL IV, permitting the student to develop a high level of fluency in American Sign Language. Students will utilize both expressive and receptive skills in regular weekly communications with persons in the deaf community.
75.365 Consecutive Interpreting (3) - A practice-oriented course in which students will utilize their translation skills to become skilled in consecutive interpreting discourse from ASL to English and English to ASL with delays of a few seconds after the source utterance is finished.
75.370 Tactile Interpreting (3) - This course provides interpreting students with an introductory level overview of working with deaf-blind people. Students will become familiar with features of the deaf-blind community, learn common etiologies of deaf-blindness, learn basic communication and guiding skills for use with deaf-blind people, and experience a variety of situations simulating deaf-blindness.
75.420 Simultaneous Interpreting (3) - A practice-oriented course in which students will utilize translation skills to become skilled in consecutively interpreting discourse from ASL to English and English to ASL with delays of a few seconds after the source utterance is finished. Prerequisite: 75.365
75.450 Transliteration (3) - Focuses on building transliteration skills. Experience gained through laboratory work and classroom discussions when transliteration situations for observation and practice are presented. Emphasizes professionalism, principles and ethics. Prerequisite: 75.301 or permission of the instructor.
75.460 Practicum Seminar (3) - A seminar in which interpreting students discuss various factors of the interpreting profession. Topics include: professional organizations, certification, contextual factors, market analysis, time management, professional behavior, consumer attitudes, time management, professional behavior, consumer attitudes and beliefs, role and function of the interpreter and ethical codes. Students will also observe working interpreters and perform some interpretations within the community under the supervision of a professional interpreter. This will offer an opportunity to prepare for entering the interpreting field. Students will also begin their preparation for national and state credentialing examinations. Prerequisite: 75.420 Simultaneous Interpreting
75.480 Practicum in Interpreting (3-6) - Involves the placement of the student in interpreting situations on and off campus to gain "on-the-job" experience. Requires a minimum of 120 interpreting hours.