Administered by Department of Languages and Cultures
Effective Fall, 2003
13.101 Russian I (Fall) (3) - Develops the four language skills and studies elements of Russian culture. Requires practice in the language laboratory. Also offered in spring on demand.
13.102 Russian II (Spring) (3) - Continuation of 13.101. Prerequisite: 13.101 or equivalent.
13.103 Russian III (3) - Continued development of four skills. Emphasis on reading and culture. Not offered every semester. Prerequisite: 13.102.
13.104 Russian IV (3) - Continuation of 13.103. Not offered every semester. Prerequisite: 13.103.
13.290 Independent Study in Russian (1-9) - Individual study of a particular aspect of Russian civilization, language or literature under faculty supervision. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor and the chairperson.