Administered by Department of Languages and Cultures
Effective Fall, 2003
11.100 Foundations in German Language and Culture (3) - Seeks to develop novice proficiency with emphasis on intercultural communication in the context of the German-speaking world. Language laboratory activities required.
11.101 German I (3) - Develops the four language skills and acquaints students with elements of German-speaking cultures. For students with no more than two years of German. Requires practice in the language laboratory.
11.102 German II (3) - Continuation of 11.101. Reading and writing given additional emphasis. Prerequisite: 11.101 or equivalent.
11.121 German Authors of the 20th Century I (3) - Examines works of major German authors such as Hesse, Brecht, Mann, Kafka, Durenmatt and Boll. Taught in English; knowledge of German unnecessary. Readings in German and special projects for German majors. Not offered every semester.
11.122 German Authors of the 20th Century II (3) - Continuation of 11.121. Taught in English; knowledge of German unnecessary. Readings in German and special projects for German majors. Not offered every semester.
11.203 German III (3) - Development of the four language skills. Basic grammar reviewed and new grammatical concepts presented. Reading and study of the culture given additional emphasis. Not offered every semester. Prerequisite: 11.102 or equivalent.
11.204 German IV (3) - Continuation of 11.203. Emphasizes culture and communication. Not offered every semester. Prerequisite: 11.203 or equivalent.
11.205 Applied Phonetics and Pronunciation (3) - Analysis of the German sound systems. Drills on pronunciation and intonation. Selections of prose, poetry and songs for imitation. Prerequisite: 11.102 or two years of high school German. Not offered every semester.
11.206 Grammar and Composition (3) - In-depth study of German grammar. Stresses application of grammatical principles in controlled and free written composition. Not offered every semester. Prerequisite: 11.204 or equivalent.
11.207 Conversation: Daily Life and Customs in German-Speaking Countries (3) - Emphasizes student participation in prepared and free-speaking activities on daily life in German-speaking cultures. Outside readings and oral reports assigned. Grammar reviewed when necessary. Not offered every semester. Prerequisite: 11.204 or equivalent or concurrently with 11.204 with consent of the chairperson.
11.211 German Culture and Civilization I (3) - Provides an understanding of the geography, government, customs, education, arts and history of the German-speaking countries, as well as a vivid sense of the current scenes in these countries. Taught in English; knowledge of German not required. Special projects for German majors. Not offered every semester. Approved as a diversity course.
11.212 German Culture and Civilization II (3) - Continuation of 11.211. Taught in English; knowledge of German not required. Not offered every semester. Approved as a diversity course.
11.281-11.289 Special Topics (1-3) - Provides knowledge and training in fields not usually covered in regular courses. Content is determined by instructor and varies. Not offered every semester.
11.290 German Studies Abroad (1-6) - Prerequisite: Minimum of two semesters of German or consent of the chairperson.
11.309 Commercial German (3) - Acquisition of German commercial language and terminology in reading, writing and speaking. Background of business life in Germany today, in German culture and society. Not offered every semester. Prerequisite: 11.206 or equivalent.
11.331 Selected 20th Century Writers (3) - Current German writers for reading and cultural knowledge. Development of the four skills continues. Not offered every semester. Prerequisite: 11.204 or equivalent.
11.402 Contemporary Issues in German Media (3) - Further language development, especially of conversation, through discussion of current topics and issues selected from German language newspapers and magazines. Not offered every semester. Prerequisite: 11.207 or equivalent.
11.403, 11.503 Workshop(3) - Presents selected materials for practical use. Offered on demand only. Prerequisite: 11.206 or 11.207 or consent of the instructor.
11.420 Seminar: Mass Culture and High Culture (3) - Readings and discussion of cultural issues from 1870 to 1933. Background in culture, society and methods of cultural critique. Not offered every semester. Prerequisite: 300 level German or consent of the instructor.
11.422 Masterpieces of German Literature (3) - Examines selected masterpieces of German literature from the Middle Ages to the present with excursions in historic and socio-cultural contexts. Prerequisite: 11.206 or permission of the instructor. Not offered every semester.
11.490 Independent Study in German (1-9) - Provides for individual study of a particular aspect of German civilization, language or literature under supervision of a faculty member. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor and the chairperson.