Administered by Department of Business Education and Office Information Systems
Effective Fall, 2003
Included in 50 semester hours of general education requirements (five credits of which must be at the 300 level or higher), the following general education courses are required with a grade of C or better:
An English or American literature course
20.101 Composition I
20.201 Composition II
An English or American Literature course
25.103 Public Speaking
40.121 Principles of Economics I
40.122 Principles of Economics II
40.256 Business and Economics Statistics
48.101 General Psychology
70.101 Introduction to the Exceptional Individual
53.118 Matrix Algebra
53.123 Essentials of Calculus
91.221 Principles of Accounting I
91.222 Principles of Accounting II
91.223 Managerial Accounting
93.244 Principles of Management
96.313 Corporate Finance
97.310 Marketing Principles and Practice
98.331 Law and Legal Environment
A total of 70 semester hours is required for a major in business education. The student must have completed the following courses with a grade of C or better to be considered for certification as a teacher of business subjects:
Choose one of the following two courses:
60.291 Principles of Teaching
90.402 Instructional Strategies and Assessment
90.403 BCIT Field Experience
90.404 Professional Semester in BCIT
90.406 Clinical Studies in BCIT
Choose one of the following two courses:
Choose one of the following three courses:
90.101 Introduction to Business
90.333 Business Communications
94.221 Office Systems Concepts
94.302 End User Solutions Development
94.330 Telecommunications (spring only)
94.340 Networking (spring only) or 94.405 Training and Development (fall only)
Certification - Upon completion of the curriculum, receipt of a recommendation from the university and successfully passing the PRAXIS Level I and II exams specified for business computer and information processing certification, students will be issued a K-12, Level I certificate by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.